
3dsimed3 20 days left
3dsimed3 20 days left

with Intel Graphics' version of a similar Plugin that works better for more recent versions of PS)

  • Adobe Photoshop ( with NVidia Texture Tools for Photoshop Installed) ( or.
  • Follow the red instructions so you aren't doing extra work where you don't need to! NOTE: I have added notices before or during the parts where it is SRS specific, like making sure your skin is under 10MB (a limitation of the SRS Skin Transfer App used to automatically share custom skins just before races start). I was going to make a post just linking the original tutorial, but after asking permission to the folks here at RD, it was suggested that I just post the tutorial in its entirety here! That said, let's get started!

    3dsimed3 20 days left

    I was constructing it AS I was learning the process, so obviously some of this is going to be "not the best way" to do certain things.

    3dsimed3 20 days left

    This Tutorial was originally posted over on the forums where I do all of my skinning.

    3dsimed3 20 days left